#!/usr/bin/env php If you call this with argument "unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used. IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly. Duplicate strings in lang files in /var/www/html/dolibarrradiosfda/dev/translation/../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 54 found ***** Entries duplicated in same file None ***** Entries in main and another (keep only entry in main) None ***** Entries in admin and another IdModule : admin.lang (136 - Module ID) modulebuilder.lang (2 - Module id) NoticePeriod : admin.lang (288 - Notice period) holiday.lang (123 - Notice period) LanguageFile : admin.lang (396 - Language file) modulebuilder.lang (57 - File for language) PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage : admin.lang (439 - Price Format In Current Language) companies.lang (33 - Price display format in the current language and currency) Upgrade : admin.lang (1187 - Upgrade) install.lang (100 - Upgrade) Server : admin.lang (1198 - Server) install.lang (46 - Server) DatabaseServer : admin.lang (1200 - Database host) install.lang (49 - Database server) DatabaseName : admin.lang (1201 - Database name) install.lang (50 - Database name) DriverType : admin.lang (1209 - Driver type) install.lang (45 - Driver type) Buy : admin.lang (1866 - Buy) products.lang (56 - Purchase) Sell : admin.lang (1867 - Sell) products.lang (55 - Sell) AccountancyCode : admin.lang (1870 - Accounting Code) companies.lang (299 - Accounting account) CashDesk : admin.lang (1899 - Point of Sale) cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale) ByDefaultInList : admin.lang (2075 - Show by default on list view) categories.lang (97 - By default in list) ***** Other LineId : accountancy.lang (143 - Id line) exports.lang (44 - Id of line) CustomerInvoicePayment : accountancy.lang (242 - Payment of invoice customer) banks.lang (108 - Customer payment) AffectedTo : agenda.lang (10 - Assigned to) projects.lang (124 - Allocated to) Location : agenda.lang (14 - Location) stocks.lang (40 - Location) ReceptionClassifyClosedInDolibarr : agenda.lang (69 - Reception %s classified closed) receptions.lang (51 - Reception %s classified Closed) InterventionSentByEMail : agenda.lang (87 - Intervention %s sent by email) interventions.lang (39 - Intervention %s sent by email) DeleteType : assets.lang (20 - Delete) members.lang (99 - Delete) ShowTypeCard : assets.lang (23 - Show model '%s') members.lang (169 - Show type '%s') IBAN : banks.lang (33 - IBAN number) bills.lang (495 - IBAN) BIC : banks.lang (34 - BIC/SWIFT code) bills.lang (498 - BIC/SWIFT) SubscriptionPayment : banks.lang (110 - Subscription payment) members.lang (183 - Contribution payment) InvoiceRef : bills.lang (364 - Invoice ref.) receiptprinter.lang (72 - Invoice ref) Salaries : bills.lang (663 - Salaries) salaries.lang (7 - Salaries) NoSupplierOrder : boxes.lang (84 - No recorded purchase order) orders.lang (87 - No purchase order) ShowCompany : cashdesk.lang (32 - Show company) companies.lang (315 - Third Party) History : cashdesk.lang (74 - History) suppliers.lang (8 - History) DeleteFromCat : categories.lang (87 - Remove from tags/category) compta.lang (281 - Remove from accounting group) Customer : commercial.lang (4 - Customer) companies.lang (253 - Customer) Prospect : commercial.lang (6 - Prospect) companies.lang (251 - Prospect) propal.lang (12 - Prospect) ShowTask : commercial.lang (19 - Show task) projects.lang (41 - Show task) ContractStatusClosed : contracts.lang (9 - Closed) products.lang (88 - Closed) MinimumAmount : donations.lang (27 - Minimum amount is %s) members.lang (214 - Minimum amount of membership payment (has priority on any default amounts)) NewSubscription : eventorganization.lang (121 - Registration) members.lang (79 - New contribution) ExportsArea : exports.lang (2 - Exports) other.lang (290 - Exports area) ExportableDatas : exports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset) other.lang (294 - Exportable data) AvailableFormats : exports.lang (28 - Available Formats) other.lang (291 - Available formats) ChooseFileToImport : exports.lang (67 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...) stocks.lang (255 - Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file...) CreateUser : install.lang (56 - Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database) users.lang (31 - Create user) CreatedBy : other.lang (126 - Created by %s) ticket.lang (161 - Created by) Stock : products.lang (51 - Stock) stocks.lang (18 - Stock) Stocks : products.lang (53 - Stocks and location (warehouse) of products) stocks.lang (19 - Stocks) Movements : products.lang (54 - Movements) stocks.lang (28 - Movements) Suppliers : products.lang (93 - Vendors) suppliers.lang (2 - Vendors) ListOfStockMovements : products.lang (100 - List of stock movements) stocks.lang (31 - List of stock movements) Unit : products.lang (183 - Unit) stocks.lang (47 - Unit) ContractSigned : propal.lang (95 - Contract signed) recruitment.lang (48 - Contract signed) BankTransferAmount : salaries.lang (32 - Amount of credit transfer) withdrawals.lang (122 - Amount of Credit Transfer request:) WithdrawalReceipt : salaries.lang (33 - Credit transfer order) withdrawals.lang (12 - Direct debit order) OrderWaiting : salaries.lang (34 - Pending order) withdrawals.lang (94 - Waiting for treatment) NewUser : ticket.lang (296 - New user) users.lang (30 - New user)