----- Dolibarr Makepack How To -----
This documentation describe steps to build a BETA or RELEASE versions
of Dolibarr. There is a chapter for BETA version and a chapter for RELEASE version.

***** Prerequisites For Linux *****

Prerequisites to build tgz, debian and rpm packages:
> apt-get install perl tar dpkg dpatch p7zip-full rpm zip php-cli

Prerequisites to build autoexe DoliWamp package from Linux (solution seems broken since Ubuntu 20.04):
> apt-get install wine q4wine
> Launch "wine cmd" to check a drive Z: pointing to / exists.
> Install InnoSetup
   For example by running isetup-5.5.8.exe (https://www.jrsoftware.org)  https://files.jrsoftware.org/is/5/
> Install WampServer into "C:\wamp64" to have Apache, PHP and MariaDB
   For example by running wampserver3.2.6_x64.exe (https://www.wampserver.com).
   See file build/exe/doliwamp.iss to know the doliwamp version currently setup.
> Add path to ISCC into PATH windows var:
  Launch wine cmd, then regedit and add entry int HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATH
> To build manually the .exe from Windows (running from makepack-dolibarr.pl script is however recommended),
  open file build/exe/doliwamp.iss and click on button "Compile".
  The .exe file will be build into directory build.

***** Prerequisites For Windows *****

Prerequisites to build autoexe DoliWamp package from Windows:

> Install Perl for Windows (https://strawberryperl.com/)
> Install isetup-5.5.8.exe (https://www.jrsoftware.org)
> Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170)
> Install WampServer-3.2.6-64.exe (Apache 2.4.51, PHP 7.4.26, MariaDB 10.6.5 for example. Version must match the values found into doliwamp.iss)
> Install GIT for Windows (https://git-scm.com/ => You must choose option "Add Git bash profile", "Git commit as-is")
> Install Dolibarr current version:
  git clone https://github.com/dolibarr/dolibarr  or  git clone --branch X.Y https://github.com/dolibarr/dolibarr

> Add the path of PHP (C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.4.26) and InnoSetup (C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5) into the %PATH% of Windows.

> Create a config file c:\dolibarr\dolibarr\htdocs\conf\conf.php with content

***** Actions to do a BETA *****

This files describe steps made by Dolibarr packaging team to make a
beta version of Dolibarr, step by step.

- Check all files are committed.
- Update version/info in ChangeLog, for this you can:
To generate a changelog of a major new version x.y.0 (from a repo on branch develop), you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr; git log `diff -u <(git rev-list --first-parent x.(y-1).0)  <(git rev-list --first-parent develop) | sed -ne 's/^ //p' | head -1`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
To generate a changelog of a major new version x.y.0 (from a repo on branch x.y repo), you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr_x.y; git log `diff -u <(git rev-list --first-parent x.(y-1).0)  <(git rev-list --first-parent x.y.0) | sed -ne 's/^ //p' | head -1`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
To generate a changelog of a maintenance version x.y.z, you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr_x.y; git log x.y.z-1.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
Recopy the content of the output file into the file ChangeLog.
- Note: To know number of lines changes: git diff --shortstat A B
- Update version number with x.y.z-w in file htdocs/filefunc.inc.php
- Commit all changes.

- Run makepack-dolibarr.pl to generate all packages.

- Create a branch (x.y), if version seems stable enough.

- Move build files into www.dolibarr.org web site

- Post a news on dolibarr.org/dolibarr.fr + social networks

***** Actions to do a RELEASE *****

This files describe steps made by Dolibarr packaging team to make a
complete release of Dolibarr, step by step.

- Check all files are committed.
- Update version/info in ChangeLog, for this you can:
To generate a changelog of a major new version x.y.0 (from a repo on branch develop), you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr; git log `diff -u <(git rev-list --first-parent x.(y-1).0)  <(git rev-list --first-parent develop) | sed -ne 's/^ //p' | head -1`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
To generate a changelog of a major new version x.y.0 (from a repo pn branch x.y), you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr_x.y; git log `diff -u <(git rev-list --first-parent x.(y-1).0)  <(git rev-list --first-parent x.y.0) | sed -ne 's/^ //p' | head -1`.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
To generate a changelog of a maintenance version x.y.z, you can do "cd ~/git/dolibarr_x.y; git log x.y.z-1.. --no-merges --pretty=short --oneline | sed -e "s/^[0-9a-z]* //" | grep -e '^FIX\|NEW' | sort -u | sed 's/FIXED:/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIXED :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX :/FIX:/g' | sed 's/FIX /FIX: /g' | sed 's/NEW :/NEW:/g' | sed 's/NEW /NEW: /g' > /tmp/aaa"
Recopy the content of the output file into the file ChangeLog.
- Note: To know the number of lines changes: git diff --shortstat A B
- Update version number with x.y.z in file htdocs/filefunc.inc.php
- Commit all changes.

- Run makepack-dolibarr.pl to generate all packages.

- Check content of built packages.

- Run makepack-dolibarr.pl again with option to publish files on
  dolibarr foundation server (Dir /home/dolibarr/wwwroot/files/stable on www.dolibarr.org).
- Run makepack-dolibarr.pl again with option to publish files on
  sourceforge. This will also add official tag.
- Edit symbolic links in directory "/home/dolibarr/wwwroot/files/stable/xxx"
  on server to point to new files (used by some web sites).

- Post a news on dolibarr.org/dolibarr.fr + social networks